Mermaid Merchants
Welcome to the Vendor Info Page for the Seward Mermaid Festival & Harbor Opening Weekend on May 16th-17th, 2025! We're excited to have you join us for this shell-abration! Please review the details below for vendor space, rules, and setup information. More specifics will be provided elsewhere, so stay tuned for further updates. We can't wait to see what amazing treasures you'll bring to the festival!
Vendor Contract & Info
Vendor applications for the Seward Mermaid Festival open on January 1st! Please note that while we welcome all applications, submission does not guarantee acceptance. Our team will review all applications and decisions will be made by March. Vendor and Food Truck space will not be secured/confirmed until we have received FULL payment after notification of acceptance. There are no refunds on cancellations after May 1st. We appreciate your interest and look forward to seeing your creativity!
Vendors will have a 10x10 space and must bring their own tent, with a $200 fee for each spot. This year, we’re switching things up with a first-come, first-served setup! We’ll have 6-8 double booth end cap spots, and all other vendors will set up next to the booth that's already in place, following a North-to-South arrangement. Want to be next to your friend? No problem—just arrive together, as saving spots won’t be allowed. We're doing this to keep the event full and festive!
Mermaid Munchies & Mobile Bites
Food trucks will have a space fee of $250 and must provide their own power (no electrical outlets available). All trucks must comply with health regulations, and the City will be checking for compliance. To keep things safe and spacious, trucks will be spaced 10 feet apart.
Dive into the Details
Vendors at the Seward Mermaid Festival must be aware that there will be no electrical outlets available for art or craft booths. Generators are only permitted for food trucks, and they must be placed on the outer perimeter of the lot. Vendors are responsible for keeping their area clean, including picking up all trash (cigarette butts included), and must bring their own trash receptacle. Tents must be in good condition, and vendors are REQUIRED to secure their tents with proper tie-downs such as sand pails, cement tubes, or blocks. Seward’s winds can be strong, and vendors will be held responsible for any damages caused by improperly secured tents. Additionally, vendors must have all necessary paperwork (business licenses, insurance, permits, etc.) in their possession and agree to hold the Seward Mermaid Festival, its employees, volunteers, agents, and the City of Seward harmless for any claims, losses, or damages incurred during the event. Please note that wandering vendors are not permitted. For more information, email us at sewardmermaidfestival@gmail.com.
Day of the Event
SET UP: Vendors can access the festival area with one vehicle between 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. on Friday, May 16th, and 7 a.m. – 9 a.m. on Saturday, May 17th, for drop-off only. Please limit your time to 30 minutes and be prepared to carry your items from the drop-off area to your booth.
Important: No car or RV camping is allowed in the festival area, and any vehicles in violation will be towed at the owner's expense. Please note, while a Mermaid Festival staff camper will be staying overnight, we are not responsible for overseeing vendor booths or personal items left overnight. Be sure to secure your items before leaving.
SATURDAY HOURS: Vendors must be open by 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 17th, and remain open until 6 p.m. Leaving early will disqualify you from future festivals. You may stay open until 8 p.m. if you wish. If you close at 6 p.m., you are responsible for carrying your items off the lot. All vendors must vacate by 10 p.m. as the parking lot will reopen for pay parking.
NO VEHICLES are allowed in the festival area during open festival hours.
Friday Festival Hours: 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Saturday Festival Hours: 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
By submitting an application to the Seward Mermaid Festival, you acknowledge and agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined above. You understand that failure to comply with these terms, including but not limited to setup, tent security, operational hours, and vendor conduct, may result in removal from the event and disqualification from future participation. Furthermore, you agree to hold harmless the Seward Mermaid Festival, its employees, volunteers, agents, and the City of Seward from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising from your participation in the festival. Your application serves as your contractual agreement to these terms.